Good legitimate content, advice and services are obscured by Spammers pushing their paid for advertising at us all, bloating the Internet with rubbish or worse: content that pretends to be professional advice!
These organisations have been making good incomes by charging their clients to get them to the first results page on Search Engines using SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization) and launching at Google and other result pages their clients URL’s due to a fee, rather than any real value.
The Internet has enough junk, and its time the detritus was removed, or at least blocked.
Why should ‘businesses profit from Spamming us all with junk feeds.
Blekko and Google have black balled content farms and certain aggregation sites and banned several of these and deleted links from many more legitimate content sites like Squidoo and HubPages.
slash the web! What Blekko Search engine aims to do.
Blekko is a better way to search the web by using slashtags. slashtags search only the sites you want and cut out the spam sites. Use friends, experts, community or your own slashtags to slash in what you want and slash out what you don't.
Web search bill of rights from Blekko – Admirable…
1. | Search shall be open |
2. | Search results shall involve people |
3. | Ranking data shall not be kept secret |
4. | Web data shall be readily available |
5. | There is no one-size-fits-all for search |
6. | Advanced search shall be accessible |
7. | Search engine tools shall be open to all |
8. | Search & community go hand-in-hand |
9. | Spam does not belong in search results |
10. | Privacy of searchers shall not be violated |
Lets hope it works!
Content farms, low-quality duplicate content sites and keyword stuffed aggregators have be effected by the Google algorithm change introduced in February (2011) which filters out more Spam: for example HubPages dropped about four million hits. HubPages are much more legitimate in their aims, and such information can be obtained, as for the others its more difficult to assess their results: dropping I hope!
BUT… there’s always a but…
Camouflage tricks can be loaded into Squidoo, HubPages and other sites, with content masquerading and pretending to be one thing but loading up with every spelling and misspelling (TAGS) to generate links – camouflaged backlinks to assist hit values to AdSense ads.
GOOGLE Spam’s content farms:
On one hand this is good news for Internet users – fed up with hundreds of results that do not match their genuine need, but on the other hand lots of lost revenues for Google AdWords?
Spam site businesses that sell SEO content aggregation and gain from AdSense revenue could be in some trouble, possibly - eHow, eZineArticles.com etc but maybe Google will suffer too!
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