Genuine democracy is breaking out across the Arab world
Now who would have thought it?
Well certainly not the leaders of the Western world they kept relationships with despots in the belief that the oppressed Arab people never wanted the same rights and conditions enjoyed in the ‘Democratic’ nations. How stupid a dream was that!
How stupid and removed from reality are the people that achieve high office. They are blinded by their own self belief of being right. They give out orders but rarely do anything of value: they do no real work. They don’t understand effort in accomplishing real work, which real people have to do on a daily basis. They don’t mix with real people only those in fear of them and are simply surrounded by ‘yes’ people who also give instructions to underlings and also never do real things. Kings and Queens, royalty and presidents are not chosen by merit; royalty because of who their parents were and presidents only get high office due to access to campaign funds provided by those that seek influence with such weak minded souls.
Blair and Mubarak – bringing peace to the Middle East!
Holding high office makes people become trivial: power without responsibility over time begets a trivial mindset: they give out instructions but never get their hands involved in the subsequent executive actions, so are removed from action and reaction, and sink back into triviality, wishful thinking, and dreams.
The young and the computer savvy people all across the world are connecting on Social Networks and finding communities of ideas that have no national boundaries, whilst authoritative figures pontificate about high level nonsense, that is clearly stupid from the vantage point of a digitally connected literacy of the people.
Civil Rights – Human Rights need to progress, our Arab friends are just like us they want the same things. This need in our modern connected world was not recognised by the high level trivial minds of the power addicted. They are blinded in their own arrogance. So why our leaders were slow and reluctant to assist or come out and support the Arab people was because of their feeble minded appreciation of what real people are like, and they don’t know any! And the people are not stupid as they seem to wish to believe and will not be treated as children, as such people see them.
Of course once it was clear that the despots would be out – Western politicians piled in with support and admonishments – which they never did before because behind the scenes they are all pals: probably exchanging gifts and hospitality and the like: as like attracts like.
What is needed is an international charter of Human Rights that includes the right to link to the communications systems of the modern world.
Slavery has been outlawed, women have voting rights, torture is at least frowned upon, Gays have rights, and so on.
Now its time for access to modern technologies to also be a human right.
Suppressive regimes do not provide Free Wifi hotspots however the people struggled to get connected. These people are clever and the recent Arab revolts by the educated populations and the youth show that intelligent people can choose between radical political ambitions and regimes based upon religious beliefs: what people really want is the FREEDOM to be Free.
The meagre minds of those still in power in despotic nations offer bribes to the people, but the people are awake and connected, whilst their leaders dream on.
The FACEBOOK & TWITTER generation have freed the people, and its time for all regimes to embrace new communication methods, and give these to the people if they want real progress in their nations.
The recent revolts prove that people will find access eventually, somehow, someway and this struggle leads to more excessive eventual overthrow… so the gentle approach must be to include and respect the people and provide Internet access.
Interestingly the Chinese, are clever; their leaders are not all power seekers for the sake of it, most are well educated and have had hands on experience in their executive roles, maybe they will get the idea?
A historic moment in the Arab world
“Whatcha me old Gypo mate: Need any TEAR GAS for that FACEBOOK & TWITTER Crowd”
Nick Sarkozy and his sweet embraceable pal Ben Ali (the assassin)
Bush with Ben Ali – No wonder the statue of Lincoln in the background is trying to look down!
The ruthless (and stupid) Dictator of Romania Honoured by the English Royal Family
Can you imagine how much of a depressing signal this was to the people of Romania!
Dave Cameron (Arms Dealer) flogging to his mates in Saudi
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