Lots of methods claim to include artificial intelligence in their systems, Robots, Chat Bots, Avatars and lots of assorted computer software programs. BUT none of them are – really intelligent.
Intelligence – cognisant of self and understanding of things in relationship to, information, analysis, knowledge and armed with this taking actions – decisions based upon knowing and estimations and predictions of ‘partial knowing’.
Dictionary definitions:
The capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. the faculty of understanding.
knowledge of an event, circumstances, etc., received or imparted;
Also the potential to make decisions based upon partial knowledge to result in an outcome that did not previously exist.
These are signs of intelligence and as yet no computer system has exhibited such things. Also the dictionary omits to describe: cognisant of self
Search engines do not have such capacity – they have no capacity to be self aware of their functions: Google uses an algorithm and gives out multitudes of spurious (Spammy) results – Blekko is an attempt to reference information into much more useful categories with relationships.
And how do they do this:
Link to BLEKKO
They do it with people building these SLASH-TAGS
The result makes the searches better, more accurate and much closer to the searchers need and with additional related data linkages, this cannot be achieved by Google, and BLEKKO is doing it with the assistance of people – a Crowd Source building model; people using their brains to intervene: adding the ‘KNOWLEDGE’.
So the way to make search engines and their future derivatives more intelligent is to use human intervention.
This is the very opposite strategy in the mainline areas of th A.I. development industry; who believe that top down computational algorithms will produce artificial intelligent systems: I say NO.
How can a stupid none aware mathematical engine generate the definition of intelligence as defined above: NO WAY.
So I say that THE way is to build it up from the grass roots and this means going so along the lines of BLEKKO.
Many future developments will evolve when we think correctly about this situation and drop the idea of a golden simple less work overhead answer other than the required hard work of inputting all the META attributes required.
Even then the results will be far from human intelligence.
Now whilst I’m on this subject: Human intelligence
Is there any evidence of this or in fact are we also subject to conditioned reflex thinking and automatic decisions, that are similarly generated to operations of a search engine. I say we are because we are often asleep in our waking state.
Modern psychology has missed this aspect of human cognitive faculties: as most of the time we spend in REACTION to external events, we can be impulsive, emotional, even Pavlovian in our responses and our speech and not aware of decision processes.
For example: we are not always present and often ‘asleep’ driving to a location without remembering the journey; when we do habitual or repetitive tasks, these operations tend to turn off awareness, leaving an unconscious physical robot to take over, whilst the mind drifts through endless interlinked chatter, thought dreams, whilst externally to an observer we appear to be awake, and yet are we consciously ‘present’ from moment to moment…?
Psychology and brain researchers appear to miss study of these phenomena:
Possibly because supposed ‘mystics’ have studied just such gaps in human consciousness – SELF conscious – The very thing that I claim that a computerised A.I. cannot achieve – we in fact most of the time do not posses this faculty: we possess it only intermittently!
For the most time we are not present!
René Magritte's Not to Be Reproduced
It is possible with a little mental effort to prove this phenomenon to yourself.
Look at an object in front of you, a tree, a cup; whatever, then BECOME aware of yourself looking at it. Your ‘I’ your self - looking SIMULTANIOUSLY at it… you should notice that you become fully aware of looking at it.
There you have it!
You the viewer perceive yourself - perceiving the object being - perceived.
This is conscious self awareness: and awareness/knowledge of SELF.
This may be what distinguishes mankind from all other species.
Its quite doubtful that a computational algorithm in a computer programme could do this sort of mental gymnastic… and its unnoticed most of the time for us humans as we often spend much of our days unknowing in an automatic dreamlike unconscious self none aware state .
This is not a Splodge idea; it was first introduced as an observation of mankind by George Gurdjieff.
The problem was that Gurdjieff followers built on other ideas of his into a sort of cult, therefore ideas such as this one became tarnished an ignored by mainstream psychological thinkers.
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