Monday, April 4, 2011

Splodge on Crime Maps

There a great idea! Well done UK Police.


These maps work from inputting your Post Code (USA: Zip Code).

Then you can see the reported crime activity positioned onto a local map.

This Police crime activity site gives out Twitter feeds of current crimes.

A year or so ago I attended a conference with a Police officer giving a very informative talk telling the audience about Location Crime. He maintained that all criminal activity is location connected from the point of the criminals. They all operate within their own known geographical area, or locations they know, a sort of safe zone that they are comfortable with. This means that they observe and plan ahead and know all escape roots before performing any actual criminal activity: its their territory.

Now this is VERY interesting because in most cases, an example being burglary, the burglars are our local neighbours.

CCTV may put them off.

Anti-social behaviour is a crime wave and these folks are always local and probably all known to the Police, the problem is evidence- catching them in the act.

Like the local burglar(s) they know that there are no Police about and then if the Police do show up – that’s when their mobile phones inform their mates, so they disapear.

Virtually all low level crime is drug related. But the fact is that elected officials do not like to take up issues regarding drugs, why? And the Police; why do they withdraw into their hideaway Police stations. I think its apathy.

We can do something about all this.

When we realise that some organisations do monitor these Police maps and the results that they see can hit you in your pocket: home and car insurance. If you live in the wrong area your car insurance can be hundreds of pounds more than a neighbouring community area.

So even if your not mugged, had a burglary or your car broken into you are paying the cost for it to perpetuate!

On the basis of saving ourselves a lot of money and using the Police data to support the case we should demand that the politicians take an interest and that the Police patrol these areas…. I would suggest a few hide in the bushes for ‘sting’ operations – call me radical… Splodge can take it!

Live statistics such as this Police example are good material for digital citizens to use to push through reforms armed with facts. Statistics of all types can be obtained online from government and other agency’s – they may be gathered for one originating reason: rising crime means more funding for the Police etc and the website can be used for that purpose, but with a little thought and imagination such material can be used to force change in different directions.

Look at your local crime map post it to your MP get some action!

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